
All HP Motor Solar Tubewell Price in Pakistan

All HP Solar tube wells Price in Pakistan

The solar tubewell price in Pakistan changes from time to time depending on multiple price parameters, including market dynamics and the size of the solar tubewell. Prices start at 5,30,000 rupees for a 3 HP solar tubewell system.

Easy access to water channels (resources) plays a vital role in harvesting bummer crops and improving the agricultural sector. However, this water access is not feasible for every type of land across Pakistan, especially the hilly areas. 

Farmers face multiple hurdles in crop cultivation, most notably the unavailability of water. Electric motor-based tubewells were a hope for the farmer community. But these days, such solutions cost high bills and don’t work all the time.

Uncertainty of electricity and high costs add fuel to the fire and make it difficult for farmers to irrigate their crops in time. This lack of water may lead to lower crop yields, a great loss for a farmer. 

Keeping the above issues in mind, solar tube wells are the only viable solution for proper irrigation and a source of hope for the agricultural community in Pakistan. 

We will discuss solar tubewell prices in Pakistan, how farmers can benefit from solar tube wells, and the government’s solar schemes to improve the agriculture sector.

Solar Tubewell Price in Pakistan

The price of all HP solar tube-wells depends on certain price parameters, including mounting structure, capacity, size, and brand. The solar tube well prices for different sizes of tube well pumps are given in the following table:

Tubewell Size (HP)No. of panels, WattagePrice with Mounting StructurePrice with L2 Structure
36, 500 Watts6,95,0005,30,000
510, 545 Watts10,85,0007,85,000
1022, 550 Watts, 11KW VFD18,15,00014,25,000
1545, 550 Watts, 11KW VFD26,55,00021,65,000

It is important to note that the prices of solar tube wells in Pakistan may vary from time to time. For more recent and updated solar panel prices in Pakistan, click here.

Factors Influencing Solar Tubewell Price in Pakistan

The Pakistani solar market is always suspected of price fluctuations for solar components. There are multiple reasons and market dynamics that influence solar tubewell prices in Pakistan. Let’s check out the following key factors:

  • Efficiency of solar panels
  • The pumping capacity of the electric motor
  • Quality of solar system components
  • Cost of installation & maintenance check-ups

Let’s learn how a solar tubewell works and helps farmers irrigate their crops in the following section.

How do solar tubewell systems work?

Solar tube wells are eco-friendly water solutions that pump water from underground water channels. A tubewell solar system consists of solar plates, an electric motor, a pump, and a power controller. 

Farmers usually install the solar system near the tubewells. Solar systems produce electricity to power water pumps and uplift underground water to irrigate agricultural land. 

So, using the sunlight, solar tube wells offer a reliable and cost-effective method of irrigation. With a one-time investment, farmers can benefit from solar energy throughout the working lifetime of their solar panels.

Solar tube wells are becoming increasingly popular because of their numerous benefits. Let’s move on to learn about the incentives and the Punjab government’s assistance for farmers regarding solar tubewell installation below.

Benefits of Installing Solar Tube Well in Pakistan

Benefits of Installing Solar Tube Well in Pakistan

Solar cell technology is no less than a great blessing for Pakistanis. Solar systems generate free electricity with very low occasional maintenance costs.

Particularly, by installing solar tube wells for irrigation of agricultural lands, farmers will get multiple advantages, including increased crop yields and agricultural production nationwide. Let’s check out the following:

  • One-time investment and lifetime free electricity 
  • Less dependence on grid electricity
  • Continuous power supply 
  • On-time crop irrigation
  • Zero to minimal working costs
  • Minimum maintenance costs
  • Highly reliable and guaranteed 
  • Timely production of corps 
  • Less fear of electrical outages 
  • Zero electrical bills 
  • Budget-friendly investment 

Punjab Government Solar TubeWell Scheme in Pakistan

The government of Punjab is trying to facilitate their farmers and improve agricultural growth in Punjab with certain incentives and schemes. 

Pakistan comes under the category of cultivation countries, and its economy heavily depends on major cash crops like cotton, wheat, rice, and sugar cane. So, farmers are playing a big role in Pakistan’s economy.

Around 25% of Pakistan’s total land area is used for agriculture and livestock farming. The crop outputs of this utilized land account for 24% of the GDP of Pakistan.

The public in Pakistan is mainly associated with crop cultivation and livestock farming. So, about (estimated) 45% of people’s income streams depend on agriculture in the agricultural regions of Punjab. 

The Punjab government initiated the solar tube well project to encourage farmers to adopt solar energy across the province. It is helping them boost agricultural yields and streamline irrigation.

Features of the Punjab government’s solar tubewell scheme:

  • The government will provide funds and cover 80% of the installation costs.
  • Landowners and farmers with agricultural land less than or equal to 12.50 acres will be eligible for this solar scheme for tubewells. 
  • This scheme is valid only in areas where underground water (subterranean water) is 50 to 80 feet below the surface.


In conclusion, solar tube wells are a cost-effective and long-lasting electric solution for irrigation. Solar tube wells offer a promising future for better crop cultivation and agriculture. With a certain initial cost, farmers must remember the long-term benefits of better seasonal and evergreen crop yields.

Solar tubewell prices in Pakistan start at 6,95,000 PKR with a pole mounting structure and can vary depending on the system size and other components.

Farmers can invest in solar tubewells in different sizes according to their water consumption. By choosing a trustworthy solar installer, farmers can benefit from free electricity generated by solar tubewell pumps for 25 years. 

I hope this informative blog post on solar tube well prices in Pakistan helped the farmers make informed decisions and adopt sustainable irrigation systems. With this water management system for agricultural land, farmers contribute to the country’s agricultural sector and help improve its growth.


How many solar plates are required for solar tube wells in Pakistan?

The number of panels required varies according to the wattage of the water pump connected to the tubewell. Generally speaking, a 1000-watt water pump runs on 1300-watt solar power generation, meaning solar panels of 1300-watt capacity. If a single panel generates 30 watts, a water pump of 600 watts will require 20 solar panels to power the water pump.

Is there any government subsidy for solar tubewells?

There is a government subsidy for low-income farmers in Punjab. Farmers are allowed to repay the investment within five years of the installation of the solar tubewell. The government of Punjab will pay around 80% of the total cost. There is a fair and formal distribution scheme for solar tubewell installations among qualified farmers or candidates. A transparent lottery mechanism provides all the applicants with equal access to renewable energy sources.

How many solar panels are required for a water pump?

It depends on the power required to run a water pump. It further is defined by the HP of that specific pump. RPS systems can vary significantly in size, from requiring just two 100W solar panels for a 1/2 HP pump to needing approximately twenty solar panels for a 5 HP pump.

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