List of Top12 Solar Panels Benefits – Is Investing In Solar Energy Worth It?

12 solar panels benefits

Solar panels benefits for residential as well as commercial solar installations have become a  hot topic, and this is perfectly due to increasing electricity costs and electrical supply shortages. Every citizen in Pakistan is very concerned with heavy electrical bills due to the bad economy. 

Is solar panel investment worth it? Yes, it is. Now millions of households and industries are already producing their electrical power with solar panels. 

Solar energy is a clean, green, and safe energy resource. It is making the traditional electric grid systems more dependable while solar panel installations are saving a lot of money for people investing in solar energy.

To elaborate on all of the above research and so much valuable information for solar panel buyers, I want to share a list of solar panels benefits with you. First, understand the importance of investing in solar energy and the savings on electricity bills. Later, I will discuss the benefits of solar panels one by one.   

What is the Importance of Solar Energy? [Solar Panels Benefits] 

Solar panels convert the sunlight into electricity for free. The domestic as well as the industrial sector in Pakistan has been suffering from an energy crisis for years. This crisis is of two types; one is heavy electrical costs or simply electricity bills and the other one is mind-boggling unscheduled load shedding without any prior notice. 

The electricity price hikes are mainly due to the expensive import of fuel for electrical power plants while the load shedding is due to the never-filled gap between energy demands and energy production. 

That is why you should invest in solar energy. So, investing in solar panels is a cheap, long-lasting, and the only one-size-fits-all solution for Pakistanis. This also offers you security in times of electrical crisis and outages. Solar energy is a win-win for both you and the environment.

How Much Money Can You Save With Solar Energy?

HOW much money can you save with solar Panel

You will benefit from solar panels for the entire lifetime of your solar system. The day you switch to solar energy, you’ll start saving your money immediately. Some solar users significantly reduce their electrical energy bills to half, while some users cut their bills to nearly zero, but this is a case of net metering. 

The question that how much money will you save depends on many factors like how much space you have for your solar installation, how much is your daily energy consumption, and your current electricity price per unit.

List of Solar Panels Benefits: A Wise Investment for 25-30 Years

As a field and subject matter expert, I am pretty sure about the solar panels’ benefits for homeowners. You should invest in solar energy with due solar analysis and market research. t will help you build your electricity production plant at home. 

At the very least, when a person invests in solar panels with solar companies, the person is not only locking in more than 25 years of financial relief but also ensuring a low carbon footprint and a greener energy future for the generations to come to this world.

Solar panels have so many other climate as well as financial benefits hence leading towards a sustainable future. Let me take a few minutes to share all of my favorites in the following section:

Solar Panels Save you Money on Electricity bills

The first and foremost benefit of solar panels is significant savings on your electricity bills. In a country like Pakistan, with abundant sunshine, the potential of producing solar energy is much greater in comparison to others. So, you can easily offset rising electricity costs by producing your electrical power with solar.

By installing a solar system, you also eliminate your dependence on traditional power grid stations and lower your heavy monthly bills. If you produce enough energy with a solar system to fulfill all of your energy needs, the amount of your savings will increase accordingly. 

If you apply for net metering and install a grid-tied system, you could also be eligible for tax credits and incentives. In some scenarios, users can even earn credit from their utility company for the energy produced.

Solar Improves Home Net Value  & Resale

With extensive experience in the field and research work, I am convinced with the case study that solar panels increase the resale chances of your property by 4.1% as compared to properties without solar. So, investing in solar energy is a smart investment for the future. 

This is due to significant energy savings by solar, and a boom in solar adoption in recent years in Pakistan. People are becoming more eco-conscious as well as financially literate to manage their expenses.

So, people are willing to pay a premium (cost) for homes with solar. This behavior helps them home purchasing decisions too. 

Electrical Power Backup During Blackouts

Modern homes serve a lot of purposes nowadays. Maybe it’s your office, personal entertainment spot, design studio, or study center for your child’s education.

All that refers to electrical outages or blackouts can create a mess. So, electricity for 24/7 is a must there. In some way, this is possible with solar energy.

A solar system with an energy storage (solar-plus-storage system) facility provides you with a handsome electrical backup when the traditional grid fails to supply electricity. But how?

Well, storing overpower produced by the solar system in the daytime lets you utilize it at night or when there is no power from a traditional power grid station. 

Hence producing your solar power gets you all covered to keep your appliances on if there’s disruption of electricity. So, solar with battery storage makes sense for all types of electrical energy needs across the nation. 

A Green Investment with a Positive Impact on the Environment

Solar energy offers clean, green, and reliable energy, leading to a healthy environment. It helps promote eco-friendly energy production to be adopted worldwide. In this way, we can minimize our carbon footprint and slow down global warming, leaving a positive impact on our planet. 

It is also a one-time investment as the sun is a renewable ( almost unlimited energy source) resource while energy means we mostly use (all fossil fuels) are non-renewable resources. 

The horror side of the extraction and burning process of fossil fuels is drastic and serious damage to the environment and human health. In this way, it contributes to environmental pollution.

On the other hand, solar energy solutions do not create any harmful and unrecoverable damage to human beings and the climate of Earth. 

That’s why trusting solar energy is a wise and long-term plan compared to depending on the fossil fuel industry. Solar systems, being sustainable and eco-friendly solutions, can make an immediate positive impact on our environment.

Solar Energy is Available for the Whole Planet

The place where sunshine reaches is suitable for deploying solar systems. Talking simply, the whole planet gets sunshine and so, can harvest solar energy without any hassle. 

Especially, solar cell technology is no less than a blessing of God almighty for the remote regions with no access to any source of electricity. 

As per global surveys and research studies, millions of people around the world have no access to any form of electricity. So, off-grid solar systems could equip those regions with electrical energy access and improve their lives.

Therefore, in isolated rural places (difficult to reach out) solar energy is certainly a good choice. Once the sunshine gets converted to electricity, it is very easy to transport it to the whole region. 

It means we can produce electricity on a commercial scale through large solar parks or on a domestic scale with residential solar systems, particularly in the equatorial belt on Earth with the highest levels of sunshine. Opt for solar energy if you are in a remote region with no electricity.

Produce Your Own Electricity & Avoid Peak Rates

Investing in solar panels lessens the burden of heavy utility bills and helps manage finances. Electrical power suppliers are well aware of the fact that 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. are the peak daily usage hours of electricity. 

So, they apply a supply and demand-based electricity pricing structure. Hence, they cost their consumers higher electricity rates during peak usage time.

Here is the good news for you, in these hours (11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) of the day, the sun showers the maximum energy on Earth. It means your solar panel strings will produce optimum power for this timespan.

In this way, you easily avoid peak rates for many years and even there are chances to earn extra credits when your solar system produces more solar power than you consume.

Solar installation companies are an amazing fit for your energy requirements. They provide a tailored solution based on their customers’ energy consumption. When your household energy usage increases, there are ways to expand the size of your solar system. 

You might be stunned by a recent research study that 25,000 square miles of solar panels have the potential to produce electrical power for the entire world. With every solar installation, we are moving one step closer to the milestone of 25,000 square miles of solar park to power the whole world.

Reduce Your Risk of Electrical Fire

Solar systems are proven to work way better and are less vulnerable to electrical escalation in comparison to other supply means of electricity. According to a 2015 survey, “domestic short circuits account approximately for more than 51,000 fires annually. 

In these breakdowns around 500 deaths and over 1,400 injuries are reported. The collective damage to properties sums up to $1.3 billion. It is cited that the electrical distribution of traditional grid stations was the third major cause of all these fires.

On the other side, solar panels are rarely reported to face an electrical fire. The major reason in those rare cases was traced as a result of faulty wiring or improper installation methodology.  

Although solar systems have very little risk of electrical fires. It is always recommended to consider your safety first and supervise the installation process to ensure proper finishing.

Climate-proof and Temperature Resistant

A research study submitted by the University of California stated that roof-based solar installations could lower its temperature by up to five degrees Fahrenheit.

It means solar panels offer dual benefits i.e. producing free electricity and conditioning room temperature, so, it is happy news for your room ACs in summer.

The inverse of the above-mentioned research also benefits you. In the winter season, the panels absorb the heat and hold it with a trapping and de-trapping mechanism which stops the intense low temperatures of the roofs. 

From the electrical performance perspective, solar panels just need sunlight to generate electricity.  Although in the winter, there are few hours of sunshine, solar panels still have sufficient energy conversion potential to power an average home.

 Solar panels can perform as best as their maximum capacity, irrespective of the climate or weather conditions at your location. So, solar panels are a win-win for every aspect of return on investment.

Sustainable Energy Independence 

My favorite benefit of investing in solar energy is being less reliant on the typical national power grid stations. This secures your business or house from electrical load sheddings and other blackouts occasionally. 

In case of load sheddings or other electrical downfalls, your productivity is always at stake. You might be working from home as freelancers digitally connect with the whole world to facilitate their clients, but electrical disruptions can severely limit your capacity to deliver your services in time. 

 Such challenges or mishaps can cost you a lot of money in various ways. However, producing your electricity at home and storing it as a backup means you can afford any traditional electrical supply cuts or outages. Electrical backup is a must if you want to preserve your workflow and revenue.

Require Minimal Maintenance Occasionally

The top plus of investing in solar panels is its zero to little maintenance cost. Most of the solar users just do regular or periodic cleaning of their solar panels.  An installed solar system is static, so there is also no wear and tear involved in it. 

Simply said, once you bear the pain of the initial cost of going solar, you can expect minimal expense on maintenance in its lifetime (20-25 years). There is a justified cost of post-installation maintenance which is more or less similar to investing in other off-grid electrical systems.

 In summary, your solar system will need very little maintenance with cleaning and some electrical devices if applicable.

Truly Renewable Energy Source

Scientific calculations about the life of the sun revealed that it can shower its light on Earth for at least 5 billion years. In other words, solar power is always a viable source of energy for human beings.

Although solar panels can convert about 18% to 20 % into electrical power, still it is useful enough to save thousands of rupees of electricity bills each year.)

By theoretical modeling, it is concluded or stated that the sun will have lost its all energy in the next around five billion years. In the meantime, somehow, the sun will remain a fully functional and inexhaustible source of energy.

There is another scientific analysis that claims a truly renewable future of solar energy. If we consider the Earth a flat disc facing the sun, 1,377 watts of solar energy will reach per square meter of land on Earth. 

If we can capture 6% of the whole solar energy, it would be enough to fulfill the energy needs of all human beings on Earth. Hence, as long as the sun stays shining, there is abundant never-ending solar energy to harvest and quench our energy needs. 

Stay Safe from Electricity Price Volatility 

Last but not least advantage of solar energy is its capacity to avoid price volatility. There have been such problems with fossil fuels in the past decade in fossil fuel markets worldwide.

The sun, a limitless commodity, is available at all locations on Earth, in simple words, solar energy is a bit less vulnerable to price politics and monopolies.

Another funny contrast is that fossil fuel prices are increasing and the price per watt of solar panels has been continuously decreasing for the past 5 months in Pakistan. There are chances of being even cheaper sooner or later with the emergence of better technology.

There are still some monopolies in terms of taxes and incentives, but these are minor ones as compared to the giants in traditional fossil fuel-based power production in the country.

Is Solar Power Worth It?

Is Solar Power Worth it

With a detailed list of solar panel benefits in the above section, l would strongly say yes.  It not only saves you a lot of money in terms of reduction in electricity bills but also adds value to your property. Investing in a solar energy system is the fastest return on your investment along with value addition, convenience, and savings to your home.

Global warming and climate change are becoming serious threats to our generation. It is the perfect time to shift to solar energy!  A solar power system installed for an average-sized home helps reduce around 4 tons of carbon emissions per annum. This means planting more than 100 trees.

With solar energy, your properties have a measured, sustainable energy resource that also saves our planet from drastic environmental challenges. Therefore you can see your financial investment as an investment in the health and safety of our future generations. Going solar is not just worth it rather it is our obligation to recover good living conditions for humanity.

Bottom Line

Solar panels are the evergreen punch to electricity issues. Solar energy liberates you from a lot of problems and emergencies related to your power supply. If you want to enjoy a sustainable lifestyle and harvest ample solar energy, installing solar panels on your properties functions twice; firstly, it will be environment-friendly and secondly, it will save you a lot of money on electricity bills.

Even you will earn money by selling the surplus power to the local or regional utility company. Hope this complete guide helps you learn the solar panels benefits in a true sense.

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