Solar Panel Maintenance: Everything you need to know

solar panel maintenance

Solar panels are a very profitable investment that will provide you with cheap and renewable solar energy for at least the next 25 years or more. But here are a few important questions: how do you maintain solar panels and their power production with time? Is solar panel maintenance a must? Are solar panels like your bikes or cars that require regular tunings to stay in good condition? Or do you leave them on their own? 

Read the answers to these most common questions about solar panel maintenance and more. Let’s go!

Solar panel maintenance at a short note: [Key takeaways]

  • Solar panels need very little occasional maintenance, especially if the panels are installed on a tilt, as rain helps you wash away any debris on the panels.
  • However, performing solar panel cleaning between 3 and 4 times per year is generally recommended. Be very careful while cleaning solar panels.
  • If applicable, clean your panels from the ground, as climbing around on the rooftop can be dangerous.
  • Use a soft-bristled cleaning brush and a non-abrasive cleaner.
  • Ensure that the solar panels are cleaned in the early morning before they get too hot from the sunlight; cold water and hot panels or hot water and cold panels impose a risk of cracks in panels! Discover solar panel cleaning tips and tricks.
  • Important to note: If panel warranties don’t cover solar panel maintenance and cleaning, taking considerable care is necessary to avoid damage. 

Do solar panels need proper maintenance? 

Generally speaking, solar panels require very little to no significant maintenance to work appropriately, so you can usually check them out. They only need a periodic light cleaning to ensure dirt, leaves, and other debris aren’t blocking the sunlight.

You may only need more extensive maintenance when dirt hinders or reduces the solar panel’s performance. 

Is it essential to monitor the health of your solar panels? 

Not as much, but it depends. If your panels’ energy production or output efficiency starts to decrease, you can add monitoring apps to keep a check on them. Lower energy production is a clear sign that your panels need a visit. There may be some stuff like debris (bird droppings or dust layers) on panels that never let them generate their typical amount of electricity. 

Integrating a monitoring system into your solar panel system will give you a track record of how much energy your panels produce on any specific day and how much over time. 

This traces exactly how various external factors harm your panels’ performance and how much later you need to check them to maintain efficiency. The advanced monitoring system available in the market can also alert you if a panel breaks or does not perform well. This alert can help you repair or replace low-performing panels.

Let’s take some time to learn more about how to make sure your solar panels last working as long as possible.

How can you maintain the performance of your solar panels? 

If your solar panel’s installation is tilted, it’s good luck: rainfall will actually clear away most of the debris on the panels. However, during the summer or dry season or extended periods without rain, it’s essential to clean your panels manually. 

It is usually recommended to perform solar panel cleaning at least two to four times yearly. It could seem like a lot more effort, but here is the good news: it’s simple and doesn’t require much energy to waste on cleaning.

All you need is to have a leaf blower or a garden hose quick spray, and your panels will be neat, clean, and in peak working conditions.

In winter, it may require cleaning your panels after such a heavy snowfall (if applicable in your region). If this is the case with you, using lukewarm water to clear the snow away is an important note to save your panels against cracks. A simple wiper can also help to serve this purpose.

Again, It is a very critical point to keep in mind while cleaning panels. You can never use hot water to clear snow off the panels. Being made of tempered glass, the extreme temperature difference or disparity between hot water and cold panels can damage (crack) them at once.

What’s the difference between ground-mounted panels vs. rooftop panels maintenance? 

The main difference between ground-mounted solar systems and rooftop solar systems is that rooftop panels are a bit trickier to reach out to. Ground-mounted panels are easier to access, so it’s easy to maintain them. If you notice a buildup of debris, dust, snow, or other debris, sweep it off with a soft-bristled broom or a brush.

What is the standard warranty for solar panels? 

It is important to note that the solar panels you buy (install) must come with a good solar warranty; if your solar panels do not perform as well as the company claimed, it can potentially cost you a heavy price over the years. 

If you go smart while going solar and take notice to buy solar panels covered under a good warranty, the company will provide you with a replacement for damaged or less efficient solar panels.

A good solar panel company offers a warranty of between 15 and 25 years and guarantees that your panels’ energy production rating will remain at 80% or above for the entire lifespan.

So, is solar panel maintenance hard to carry out

Till now, maintaining your solar panels has been a pretty easy job. If you notice dust, debris, or snow piled up, give it a quick cleaning to ensure maximum power production of your panels. 

Additionally, invest in solar panels that come with good warranty terms, so if your panels cannot perform, you can claim or get them replaced. 

Follow the above cleaning guide to ensure your panels work efficiently, giving you clean and free solar power for years. Learn more about how to clean solar panels to power your home efficiently.

Concluding Solar panel maintenance

Solar panel maintenance ensures your panels’ longevity and power conversion efficiency throughout their lifetime. I hope this in-depth solar panel maintenance guide helped you save your solar investment and get the most out of it.

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