Jinko Solar Panel Prices in Pakistan | Invest in Trusted Brand  


You may be facing a tough time due to heavy electricity bills and uninformed load shedding. Most of the citizens in Pakistan are going through this critical situation and mental latch. It is a mind-boggling time in our history. What is the solution to heavy bills?

It’s simple, take a deep breath. As a consumer, you must discover less expensive sources of electricity to power your homes and businesses. I would say investing in solar panels is only and proven one-size-fits-all solution for more or less 30 years. Let’s explore Jinko solar panel prices to make a wise investment.

Reputation of Jinko Solar Panels and Affordability


Now, we investigate Jinko solar panels, their brand reputation, and the latest prices of Jinko solar panels in the market.

Jinko Solar, serving in 180 countries, has a prominent status as the leading A-grade solar panel manufacturer in the world. The company has done over 190 GW cumulative solar panel shipments globally as of the first quarter of 2023. 

Their latest models like Jinko N-type bifacial solar panels are hitting 22.65% efficiency with an impressive 30-year linear power warranty. 

In this article you will first get the recent Jinko solar panel prices in Pakistan, the major factors that impact solar panel prices, and 3 important considerations to keep in mind before you purchase solar panels. 

Latest Jinko Solar Panel Prices in Pakistan

Jinko solar panels price updates

Jinko solar panel prices in Pakistan have seen many ups and downs in the last 1 and a half years. For your convenience, the latest Jinko solar panel prices in the Pakistani solar market are arranged in the table below: These prices are averages. Minor variations due to transportation costs are acceptable in smaller cities.

Panel SpecificationPrice per Watt RangeStarting Price per Panel
Jinko 550 watts single glass 37.50-4020,700
Jinko 555 watts single glass 37.50-4120,800
Jinko 575 watts single glass 37.50-4021,800
Jinko 580 Watt N Type 41-43.5023,700

Check out the latest prices of all the tier-1, a-grade solar panels of top brands including Jinko Solar by following the given link:

Current market stats of Solar panel prices in Pakistan.

Jinko Panel Prices in Global Market [for Importers]

Jinko Solar has a leading presence around the globe and their solar products are sold all over the world. It has manufacturing facilities and sales offices in all regions of the world. Follow the link to get the latest Jinko solar panel prices in the international market:

Jinko solar panel prices in the international market

Key Matrix that Affects Solar Panel Prices in Pakistan 

Let us learn what are the key parameters that impact solar panel prices in Pakistan. It is mandatory for people planning to install a solar system on their property. These days, the rates of solar plates are very unstable in Pakistan. 

This change in prices depends on many factors, such as the wattage capacity of the panel, government import/export policies, supply & demand conditions as well as the product and power warranties. So, you must consider all these factors to better estimate the cost of solar panels you need.

Key factors affecting solar panel prices in Pakistan:

  • Panel Capacity: Solar panels with higher wattage capacity such as 550, 570, 575, 580, or 600 watts typically cost you more due to their increased electricity production capacity.
  • Government Import/export Policies: Solar panel prices also change due to economic conditions, import tariffs, and dollar prices in Pakistan. Complimentary government incentives and subsidies can reduce the prices of solar panels. The opposite is also possible.
  • Market Conditions: A dynamic interplay of factors, including local installation competition, project volume, market demand & supply, business overhead, and labor costs also impact the prices of panels. So, you must visit the market for better rates (cheaper) of solar plates.
  • Warranty and Longevity: Top solar brands in the market with longer product and power warranties often have premium prices. Investing in good-quality solar panels ensures you long-term value and peace of mind. Choose A-grad, tier-1 solar panels in the market are preferred. It may be expensive in comparison to other local Pakistani brands.
  • Recent Market Trends: Global supply chain breakdowns and rising shipping costs can multiply solar panel prices. Usually, in winter, the prices of all solar brands are comparatively low, and in summer, the prices of panels as well as installation costs go very high.

3 Most Important Considerations for Solar Panel Buyers

Most important considerations for Jinko Solar panel buyers

Both the common people as well as the business communities can benefit from solar installation. It is a very profitable decision. However, thorough research of the solar market is highly recommended for better rates. To make a smart and wise choice for your energy needs, these are  the three most important considerations in the following:

1. Estimate your energy requirements 

Estimating your energy consumption is crucial for any solar investment. This includes analyzing your average monthly energy bills and identifying peak usage times. Consultations with solar experts can help you estimate your current and future energy needs. 

An accurate assessment of energy consumption will ensure the appropriate size of the solar system to generate the required electrical power. This will help you invest smartly.

2. Return on investment (ROI)

Buying solar panels is a long-term investment, so understanding the return on investment (ROI) of your solar system is crucial. Factors affecting ROI include:

  • Panel efficiency:  Tier 1 solar brands offer panels with an efficiency of up to 24%. Invest in the highest efficiency solar panels. Higher efficiency panels generate more power per square foot, increasing ROI.
  • System size: The size of the solar system you are going to install must match your energy requirements. Larger systems generate more power but require higher initial costs.
  • Government incentives: There is an option to sell overproduced solar energy to your local utility (WAPDA grid system). So, net metering and tax credits can significantly improve ROI.
  • Financing options: If you have all your required budget in cash, it’s a fortune. If this is not the case, you can buy panels on credits or leases, this makes solar more accessible but impacts ROI calculations accordingly.

3. Warranty and after-sale support

Installation of solar panels is a long-term investment with proven ROI. Buying solar panels from well-reputed solar companies is recommended. Solar plates from A-grad panel manufacturers like Jinko, come with a longer warranty and are also durable. So choosing solar panels with an extended warranty and reliable support is compulsory. You must look for warranties covering the following:

  • Linear Panel performance:  Solar panels must have 25 years of linear power output guarantees. Many tiers 1, a-grade solar panel manufacturers offer at least 25 years of linear power warranty.
  • Materials and workmanship: Product warranty saves you against manufacturing defects and cracks in solar panels due to environmental effects. Usually, this warranty covers a 12-year timespan.
  • After-sale Support: Buy solar panels from a company with a good history of after-sale support. It must cover repair costs associated with warranty issues and other installation expenses.

Remember, a strong warranty and after-sales support are vital to ensure long-term peace of mind and maximize your solar investment benefits. By considering these three key points – energy requirements, ROI, and warranty/support – you can make an informed and better decision about your solar panel purchase. 

Empowering your Home with Jinko Solar Panels

Jinko Solar’s commitment to innovation, the latest technology, and customer satisfaction has earned them a significant status in the international solar market. Their diversified range of solar panels, having industry-leading warranties, promises that you’ll harness the sun’s power for the next 25-30 years. 

Because of their exceptional quality, high efficiency, and reliability in the solar industry, Jinko Solar is leading the solar revolution in Pakistan. This makes them a preferred choice for residential, business, and organizational solar system installations.

Why should you Invest in the Jinko Solar Panels?

Due to the increasing inflation in recent years and rising electricity costs in Pakistan, the life of the common man has become miserable. So, this is the right time to invest in alternative energy sources like solar panels,  rather than depending on a local utility or power grid system. Solar panels are a reliable investment to provide you with a cheap source of electricity. Solar panels greatly reduce electricity bills on commodities.

Are Jinko Solar Panels Suitable for All Weather Conditions in Pakistan?

Jinko solar panels are one of the most trusted A-grade solar panels in the Pakistani consumer base. These panels are suitable for all weather conditions in Pakistan. Jinko solar panels with the latest n-type bifacial technology perform way better in both hot as well as cold weather conditions.

What kind of Warranty do Jinko Solar Panels come with?

Solar panel manufacturers offer two types of warranties: [1. Product warranty and 2. Linear power warranty]. Jinko solar panels come with both of these warranties. Product warranty ranges from 10-12 years which saves you from manufacturing and product defects. 

Linear power warranty ranges from 25-30 years. The performance warranty ensures that the panels will maintain a certain level of efficiency over the specified period. 

Always check and follow the specific terms and conditions provided by the manufacturer for accurate and detailed warranty information. 

Range of Jinko Solar Panels in the Solar Market

Jinko Solar, a global player in tier 1 solar panel manufacturing, has established a strong presence and consumer base in Pakistan. It delivers high-quality solar panels at reasonable prices. Different Jinko solar panels along with key parameters like wattage, efficiency, power & performance are listed in the following table:  

PV moduleWattageEfficiencyLinear Power Warranty
Tiger Neo 78HC63022.54%30 years
Tiger Neo 78HC-BDV62522.36%30 years
Tiger Neo 72HC58522.65%30 years
Tiger Neo 72HC-BDV58022.45%30 years
Tiger Neo 60HC48022.23%30 years
Tiger Pro 72HC Monofacial54021.35%30 years
Tiger Pro 72 HC Bifacial53521.16%30 years
Tiger Monofacial47521.16%30 years
Tiger Bifacial47020.65%30 years
Cheetah HC 72M41020.38%25 years
Cheetah HC 60M34520.45%25 years

Common Public Concerns about Solar Panel Installations

In today’s world, environmental concerns and energy independence are both at the forefront. Luckily, solar panels have emerged as an eco-friendly solution, offering a clean, renewable energy source.  Solar panels can power homes and businesses alike. Here is a major concern. Are solar panels worth the investment? Let’s dive into the field of solar energy and uncover the answers to all of your questions.

Are solar panels worth the investment?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Solar panels offer a wide range of benefits along with an excellent return on investment. Here’s a glimpse into the advantages of solar energy:

  • Environmental Sustainability: Solar panels harness the sun’s abundant energy, reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing your carbon footprint. This contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.
  • Energy Independence: Solar panels liberate you from the rising costs and load shedding of local energy sources. By generating your electricity, you gain control over your energy consumption bills. You can tailor your future energy needs accordingly.
  • Financial Savings: Solar panels provide long-term financial savings. While the initial investment may be heavy on your pocket, here is the good news, the cost of solar panels has been steadily declining due to government incentives. Increasing the number of manufacturers will further reduce the financial burden on consumers. Over time, the savings on your electricity bills can significantly offset the upfront cost.
  • Increased Property Value: Homes powered with solar panels often have higher resale value due to their solar energy production and sustainability appeal. 
  • Low Maintenance: Solar panels require minimal maintenance. Most tier 1 solar brands provide extended product and performance warranties such as JA Solar offers a 12-year product warranty and a 30-year linear power warranty. It ensures that you will enjoy the benefits of free electricity for the next more than 30 years.

How much electricity do solar panels produce on a sunny day?

The amount of electricity solar panels produce on a sunny day depends on multiple factors, such as the system’s size, the panels’ efficiency, and the exposure of sunlight to the solar system. Generally, a typical 5 kW solar system can generate around 20-25 kWh (20-25 units) of electricity on a sunny day.

How many solar panels will you need to power your home?

Determining the number of solar panels required to power your home depends on your household’s average energy consumption. The general process involves:

  1. Calculating Your Energy Consumption: Check your electricity bills and consumed units to determine your average monthly or annual energy consumption. It will help you decide the size of the solar system you are going to install. Suppose you need to install a 5-kilowatt power production. 
  2. Estimating Solar Panel Output: Research the average solar power production of installed solar systems in your city. Solar panel output depends on sunlight exposure of solar plates. Sunlight in Pakistan lasts for 10 hours approximately. Remember, if you want to install a solar system of, let’s say, 5 kilowatts, you should investigate the power production of a 5-kilowatt solar system in your region. 
  3. Matching Output to Consumption: Divide your energy consumption by the estimated solar panel output to determine the number of panels needed. In this way, you can calculate the number of panels you need to install for your home or commercial sites.

This is a general estimation of solar panels required for a solar system. It is tailored according to your average energy consumption. Solar panels of 550-wattage capacity are taken into consideration for this calculation. With solar system installation, you can save a lot of money. The minimum amount (saving) in a single month is based on the current electricity unit cost. After reading the tabular data, you will be able to figure out the number of panels required for your solar system:

System size (KW)No. of panelsMinimum Saving (Rs.)
1 kw21,900
2 kw43,800
3 kw65,700
5 kw109,500
6 kw1111,400
8 kw1517,100
10 kw1920,900
12 kw2224,700
14 kw2628,500
16 kw3032,300
20 kw3743700
25 kw4653200
30 kw5566500
35 kw6476000

The above generalizations are for different regions in the country. Consult a qualified solar installer for accurate calculations of your energy needs and the solar system.


Solar panels present a smart investment plan, leading toward energy independence and long-term financial savings. With the latest progress towards cheaper technology and government incentives, the prices of solar panels are becoming more affordable. It’s the best time to invest in the sun’s endless energy to have a more sustainable and reliable energy solution for domestic energy needs.

Solar panels offer an affordable choice of producing your electricity at home. It finishes the fear of load shedding or voltage drop forever. So, investing in solar panels is a one-time pain (investment) and long-term relief ( availability of uninterrupted electricity).