CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme 2024 – Roshan Pakistan Scheme for Punjab

CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme 2024

Short Summary of CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme 2024:ย 

LAHORE Media Reports, the Punjab government has planned to distribute one-kilowatt (KW) solar panel systems to 50,000 low-income homes. The government aimed to support the families with increased power bills in order to alleviate their inflationary pressures, according to state-run APP on Monday. This initiative will also encourage clean, sustainable, and cost-effective energy sources.

During a special meeting to approve the initiative known as Bill Bijli Sey Nijat, Roshni k Saath (Freedom from Electricity Bill with Light), which is part of the CM’s Roshan Punjab Programme.

Punjab’s Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif signed an order to that effect. The Punjab government will bear the cost of the system and installation charges.

Officials informed the provincial chief executive of the technical features of the solar power system for household use. “This program aims to free the poor from high-cost electricity,” the province chief executive stated during the meeting.

Maryam also asked the authorities in charge to launch the pilot project as soon as possible in order to assess its effectiveness.

Protected users who use up to 100 units of electricity will be eligible for solar power systems in the first phase; however, the program’s scope will be gradually expanded, she noted.

The users will receive a 1KW system that includes two solar panels, a battery, an inverter, and wiring. The chief minister was informed that the 1KW solar power system could power fans, lights, small motors, and other devices while providing up to 16 hours of backup via the lithium-ion battery.

CM Maryam Nawaz urged her team to guarantee that the solar systems were cutting-edge technology, emphasizing the need to use high-quality panels, inverters, batteries, and other accessories.

The meeting was attended by Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Information Minister Azma Zahid Bukhari, Senator Pervaiz Rasheed, MPA Sania Ashiq, Chief Secretary, Chairman Planning and Development, Secretaries Energy and Finance, CEO of PPDCL (Punjab Power Department Company Limited), Managing Director of PPDB (Punjab Power Development Board), and other relevant officers.

Objectives of the Solar Panel Scheme

The primary objective of the CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme is to empower low-income households by offering them access to clean and sustainable energy solutions.

By providing free solar power systems, the scheme aims to reduce dependency on traditional electricity sources and mitigate the financial burden of inflated power bills, particularly for vulnerable communities.

How to Register for the Scheme?

Registration for the Punjab Solar Panel Scheme is straightforward. Eligible households can register by supplying their information via the approved channels, which the government will announce.

It is critical to keep your electricity bill low, especially during April and May, because families with electricity bills of less than 100 units will be given priority when receiving solar panels.

Key Features of the CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme

The solar power systems provided under the CM solar scheme include a 1KW setup comprising two solar panels, a battery, an inverter, and associated wiring.

These systems are designed to cater to the basic electricity needs of households, including running fans, lights, and small motors, while offering up to 16 hours of backup through lithium-ion batteries. Other key features are provided in bullet points below:

  • Free of Cost: The solar panels given under the initiative are absolutely free of charge. There are no fees associated with acquiring or installing the solar panel system.
  • Complete Solar Panel System: Each residence will receive a complete solar panel system, which includes solar panels, an inverter, and a battery capable of producing up to one kilowatt of electricity.
  • Preference for Low Electricity Bill Holders: Preference for Lower Electricity Bill Holders: Households with electricity bills of less than 100 units will be given preference in receiving solar panels. This promotes energy conservation and efficiency.
  • Distribution Process: The government will gather data from WAPDA to identify eligible families. If the number of qualified households exceeds the number of available solar panels, a drawing will be held to distribute the panels equally. Each family will be given up to six good-quality solar panels.

How Will They Streamline the Application Process?

Officials have critically planned the implementation process, with a focus on ensuring the efficient distribution of solar power systems to eligible households with duly complete applications.

The scheme will be rolled out in phases, with protected consumers using up to 100 units of electricity per month being the initial beneficiaries.

The government of Punjab will bear the cost of system installation, reflecting its commitment to facilitating access to clean energy solutions.

Benefits for Applicants of the CM Solar Panel Scheme

Participants in the CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme stand to gain various benefits, including significant reductions in electricity bills and enhanced energy independence.

By harnessing solar energy, households can contribute to environmental conservation efforts while enjoying a reliable and sustainable power supply.

Current Challenges and Their Possible Solutions

While the scheme presents immense opportunities, it also comes with its share of challenges, including logistical complexities and resource constraints.

However, through strategic planning and collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the government aims to overcome these challenges and ensure the successful implementation of the initiative.

Possible Future Plans and Expansion

Looking ahead, the government intends to expand the scope of the CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme to reach a broader segment of the poor population of Punjab. Plans are underway to leverage modern solar technology and streamline distribution processes to maximize the scheme’s impact and effectiveness.

Public Awareness and Outreach:

Efforts to raise public awareness about the scheme are underway, with emphasis on informing eligible households about the enrollment process and the benefits of solar energy adoption.

Outreach campaigns will be conducted to ensure widespread participation and uptake of the initiative.

Call to Action for Needy Families

To take advantage of this transformative initiative and secure their share of free solar panels, eligible households are encouraged to enroll in the CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme at the earliest opportunity.

By embracing clean and sustainable energy practices, participants can contribute to a brighter and more sustainable future for themselves and future generations.

Additional Resources

For more information on the CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme and how to enroll, please visit the official website of the Punjab government or contact relevant government agencies for assistance.

Let’s join hands in building a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable Punjab together.


The Punjab Solar Panel Scheme offers an unusual opportunity for Punjab households to adopt clean and sustainable energy practices. Households can save money on their electricity costs and help the environment by utilizing solar energy.

With a focus on affordability and accessibility, the initiative has the potential to significantly improve the lives of Punjab residents. So, register for the CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme as soon as possible to take benefit of this effort and secure your share of free solar panels.

The bottom lineโ€” the CM Punjab Solar Panels Scheme represents a significant step towards fostering sustainable development and addressing energy challenges in the region.

By providing free solar power systems to low-income households, the government is not only easing financial burdens but also paving the way for a greener and more prosperous future for Punjab.


Who is eligible for the Punjab Solar Panel Scheme?

Any Punjab family with an electricity bill of less than 100 units qualifies for the plan.

How can I register for the CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme?

The government will release registration information via official channels. Keep a look out for registration announcements.

Will I need to pay for the solar panels?

No, the solar panels offered under the initiative are entirely free of charge.

What number of solar panels will each family receive?

Each family can receive up to six solar panels, an inverter, and a battery.

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