600 Watt Solar Panel Price In Pakistan | Right Time to Go Solar

Before we reveal 600-watt solar panel price in Pakistan, please hold on for a second. You might know that solar energy is a proven solution to the energy crisis in Pakistan.

There is a huge potential for solar power production in our beloved country. There is also ample production capacity of hydroelectricity. However, WAPDA has failed many times to fulfill the energy demands even in moderate seasons in Pakistan. 

Think of the situation in a hot blazing summer when there is no light and you are sitting without fans or any cooling appliance at your home, plus heavy electricity bills, it’s a complete disaster.

Ultimately, the public has to adopt the only long-lasting, renewable energy solution like solar power which is free of cost after one-time upfront costs. 

Here is happy news for you, 600 watt solar panel price in Pakistan has reached the lowest benchmark in the past few months.

If you are facing the situation of limited rooftop space with high domestic energy demands, don’t worry. 

600-watt solar panels can be the right solution for your solar system. You can install a 600-watt panel in minimal roof space with a customized solar stand. 

These panels come in a similar size as other standard big solar panels of 550 or 580-watt panels. But, in intense sunlight, 600-watt solar panels generate enough energy to power most of the home appliances. Let’s uncover the recent 600-watt panel prices below: 

600 Watt Solar Panel Price In Pakistan [All Major Brands]

Although solar panel prices are very low these days we still see price variations in different cities of Pakistan due to transport expense and supply and demand dynamics of certain cities.

Let’s check out recent variations of 600-watt solar prices below:

  • Longi Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 22,800- 24,200 rupees
  • Canadian Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 22,300- 23,200 rupees
  • Jinko Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 22,500- 23,500 rupees
  • Trina Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,500- 22,700 rupees
  • Risen Soler- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,300- 22,800 rupees
  • MaxPower Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,900- 23,100 rupees
  • Khurshid Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,700- 22,500 rupees
  • Inverex  Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,500- 22,400 rupees
  • MG Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,800- 23,300 rupees
  • Ziewnic Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,000- 23,200 rupees
  • Fronus Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,800- 22,400 rupees
  • AE Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 22,200- 23,600 rupees
  • City Solar- 600 Watt Solar Panel price range: 21,400- 22,700 rupees

Let’s learn about 600 Watt solar panel specifications in the following table:

Panel FeaturesPanel Specifications
Power Range600 Watt
Cell TypesMonofacial, Bifacial
Cell Orientation144 (6 X 24)
Maximum Efficiency Range21.25-24.5%
Junction BoxIp6, Three Diodes
Maximum VoltageDc1500 V (IEC/UL)
Performance Warranty25-30 years
Product Warranty12-years

Average Cost of 600-Watt Solar Panels in Pakistan

In Pakistan, a 600-watt solar panel costs between 21,800 and 23,300 depending upon the city you live. Prices vary according to brand, quality, warranty, and market supply and demand dynamics.

Most of the time, we get the lowest solar prices in Karachi in comparison to the other cities in Pakistan

When making a purchase decision, people should compare pricing from different manufacturers and examine the whole value, which includes warranty coverage, free consultations, and after-sales service.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Prices in Pakistan

Various factors influence the price of 600-watt solar panels in Pakistan. These factors include the panel’s brand, Pakistan’s economic situation, import/export restrictions on solar panels and other specific solar products, dollar-to-rupee exchange rates, increasing inflation, etc.

Let’s look at some of the major factors to see how they could affect the pricing of solar panels in Pakistan.

  • Semiconductor Material Quality
  • Panel Type
  • Production Capacity of the Panel
  • Quality and efficiency of solar panels
  • Brand reputation and reliability
  • Government incentives and subsidies

Semiconductor Material Quality: The semiconductor quality influences the pricing of 600-watt solar panels.

If premium-quality semiconducting Silicon is utilized during module production, the cost will increase.

If a low-quality semiconductor is used in the manufacture of solar cells in a panel, it would not only lower the price but also reduce the capacity of solar panels. 

Panel Type: There are two types of panels mostly used for solar projects in Pakistan. These are mono or poly panels.

So, the panel type influences the pricing structure, so the rates of 600-watt solar panels differ based on the panel type.

The two types of mostly used panels are; mono-crystalline and polycrystalline. Mono-crystalline panels are mostly used in the latest modules because the production rate and capacity of these panels are greater than polycrystalline.

If a 600-watt solar panel used mono crystalline during the production of the module, it would cost more and function better.

Production Capacity of the Panel: The energy a particular solar panel capacity produces has a huge impact on the cost of a solar panel in Pakistan.

If we consider a 500-watt solar panel, its generation capacity will be less than a 600-watt solar module.

This means that the higher the production capacity, the higher the price of the solar panel will be. So, a solar panel that produces more electric current in sunlight will run more electrical appliances it will run.

Quality and efficiency of solar panels: The quality and efficiency of solar panels play a significant role in determining their prices. High-quality panels, usually made from monocrystalline silicon, tend to be more efficient in converting sunlight into electricity and have a longer lifespan.

While these panels may come at a higher initial cost, they often offer better performance and durability, making them a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Brand reputation and reliability: The reputation and reliability of the solar panel manufacturer also impact the pricing.

Established brands with a proven track record of producing reliable and durable panels often command higher prices due to the trust and confidence they instill in consumers.

However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and consider customer reviews before making a purchase decision to ensure that the chosen brand meets quality standards and offers value for money.

Government incentives and subsidies: Government incentives and subsidies can significantly reduce the cost of solar panel installation in Pakistan.

Various government schemes and programs aim to promote renewable energy adoption by providing financial incentives, tax breaks, and net metering arrangements.

These incentives make solar panel systems more affordable for consumers and encourage greater uptake of clean energy solutions.

But recently, the govt is planning to charge tax on solar systems which is not a favorable policy of the current government. It will further push the middle class or lower middle class of Pakistan into trouble. 

Best-selling Brands Offering 600-watt Solar Panels

In general, regardless of the brand and other panel specifications, the average price of a 600-watt solar panel will cost you around 23,500 rupees nowadays.

Many famous solar brands sell 600-watt panels in Pakistan, but you should buy panels from well-reputed tier-1 solar brands in Pakistan. The list includes the best-selling and credible solar manufacturers:

  • LONGi Soler
  • Jinko Soler
  • JA Soler
  • Trina Soler
  • Canadian Soler
  • Risen Soler
  • AE Soler

The famous and most efficient solar modules from above mentioned brands are:

  • Longi HI M0-6 and Longi HI M0-7 
  • Jinko N-Type 600 watt bifacial (dual glass) 
  • Canadian 600-watt topcon n-type
  • JA 600-watt n-type
  • Trina 600-watt mono

How Much Power Does a 600-watt Solar Panel Produce?

How Big Is A 600 Watt Solar Panel

In bright sunlight, 600-watt solar panels may generate 180 – 190 amp hours per day, which is sufficient to power a television, a large refrigerator, computers, cellphones, tablets, a fuel heater, a coffeemaker, and a variety of other electrically powered domestic devices.

How Many 600-watt Solar Panels Do I Need?

There is no clear answer to this question. It is, of course, determined by your electricity consumption or the amount of electricity you use for electrical items at home.

There are three main types of solar systems: off-grid, on-grid, and hybrid solar systems. To appropriately size any solar system installation, first calculate your AC and DC loads. You may get help from a local solar installer or an electrician for this purpose.

However, most household appliances in Pakistan run on alternating current (AC). This requires the installation of an inverter, which converts DC (direct current) from the panels or batteries to the required AC.

When your system just powers DC loads, such as in less distant interior locations in-house, an inverter is not usually necessary.

You can also get DC lights, freezers, and room heaters. These devices may operate straight from the battery bank, eliminating the need for an inverter.

Usually, for domestic loads, a solar system of 5 to 10 kw power generation capacity is enough. For these systems, you will need to buy 9 to 18 panels of 600-wattage.

Why is solar energy so important for Pakistan

In the last few decades and recently, the Pakistani population has been suffering from an energy crisis, especially in the summer season. This is absolutely devastating for congested communities in Lahore, Karachi, and other such big cities. 

So, the public has increasingly viewed solar energy as a possible solution to its energy crisis along with heavy bills. Solar power, with plentiful solar potential in most of the regions in Pakistan, offers a sustainable and environmentally beneficial alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based grid energy.

The recent panel price crash in the solar market has made solar installations much more favorable for every citizen.

Solar panels, in particular, are highly in favor of households, businesses, and industries looking to minimize their dependency on the national grid and save money on electricity. 

How Do Solar Panel Systems Work?

Solar panel systems are made up of photovoltaic (PV) modules that collect sunlight and convert it into power. These systems typically incorporate solar panels, inverters, mounting frames, and, in some cases off-grid solar systems, battery storage.

A solar panel system’s efficiency and efficacy are determined by a variety of factors, including component quality, installation method, and local climate conditions. Click to learn more about solar panel working mechanism. 

Types of Solar Panels Available in Pakistan 

Solar panels fall into three major types monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film solar panels. However, the highest-performing panels are of two types which are both monocrystalline and polycrystalline available in Pakistan. 

Polycrystalline solar modules are less efficient than monocrystalline solar panels because they are made out of fragments of silicon wafer. However, polycrystalline modules are less expensive than monocrystalline modules.

Monocrystalline solar panels

Monocrystalline or mono solar panels consist of a single silicon crystal structure. This makes them highly efficient and space-effective solar panels. This means they take up less space but produce more electricity comparatively.

These panels have a uniform black or dark-colored appearance and offer better performance in low-light conditions compared to other types.

While monocrystalline panels tend to be more expensive upfront, their higher efficiency and durability make them a popular choice for residential and commercial installations.

Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline solar panels, the name itself suggests that these panels are made from multiple silicon crystals or fragments. So, this makes them less efficient compared to monocrystalline panels.

However, they are more cost-effective to produce the same electrical energy. Pocket-friendliness makes them an attractive option for low-budget or budget-conscious consumers.

Polycrystalline panels have a blueish appearance and are widely used in residential and commercial installations across Pakistan. They perform better in extremely hot regions as well.

Thin-film solar panels

Thin-film solar panels consist of deposited thin films or layers of photovoltaic material on a glass or metal substrate. These panels are lightweight, flexible, and visually appealing.

These aesthetically pleasing panels are ideal for unconventional installations like recreational vehicles or camping tents, mobile applications, or other such applications.

However, thin-film panels have poorer efficiency and shorter lifespans than crystalline silicon panels. These facts can reduce their total cost-effectiveness as compared to the efficiency and lifespan of rigid silicon solar panels.

You may find it helpful: Various Solar Panel Types Selling in Pakistan

Pricing Statistics of These Solar Panel Types 

Price Range of Monocrystalline Solar Panels  

The price of monocrystalline solar panels varies depending on factors such as brand, size, and efficiency rating. On average, these panels cost anywhere from PKR 20,000 to PKR 30,000 per kilowatt (kW) of installed capacity.

While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term savings on electricity bills and potential government incentives make monocrystalline panels a worthwhile investment for many consumers.

Price Range of Polycrystalline Solar Panels  

Polycrystalline solar panels are generally more affordable than monocrystalline panels, with prices roughly ranging from PKR 15,000 to PKR 25,000 per kW of installed capacity.

While they may offer slightly lower efficiency, polycrystalline panels still provide a cost-effective solution for harnessing solar energy and reducing electricity bills.

Price Range of Thin-film Solar Panels

Thin-film solar panels are generally less expensive than crystalline silicon panels, with an estimated price range of PKR 10,000 to PKR 20,000 per kW of installed capacity.

While they offer a more affordable option for solar energy generation, consumers should consider their lower efficiency and lifespan when evaluating the long-term cost-effectiveness of thin-film panels.


Pakistan has a great potential for solar power production, so more and more people are embracing renewable solar energy solutions. The customer demand has increased for big solar panels with higher energy generation capacity, compact design, and improved efficiency.

Many reputable solar companies like Safe Links offer the best 600-watt solar panels in Pakistan at reasonable prices, with bifacial panels offering superior efficiency and long-lasting performance compared to monocrystalline single-glass solar panels.


How much power can a 600-watt solar panel produce, and is it enough to meet household needs in Pakistan?

In sharp sunlight or on a clear sunny day, a 600-watt solar panel is potentially able to generate around 180-190 amp hours per day, this electrical power is sufficient to run various domestic appliances like refrigerators, computers, televisions, air coolers, cooling fans, and more.

What is the price of a Longi 600-watt solar panel in Pakistan 2024?

600-watt solar panels are rarely available in all of Pakistan except big cities like Karachi and Lahore. You can buy Longi 600-watt solar panels in a price range of  22,800- 24,200 rupees these days.

Which type of solar panel is best in Pakistan?

Longi solar panels are the preferred choice of most Pakistanis due to their long lifespan and warranty. Longi panels degrade slowly and are available in a variety of types, including mono-facial and bifacial, allowing you to select the ideal one for your unique demands and preferences.

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